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How can you measure EC in water?

How can you measure EC in water?

You can read what EC is in this article 🠪

Measuring Electric Conductivity (EC) in water is very important for growing plants, flowers, vegetables and fruit. This is because the EC value indicates the salt content of the water. The more salt the water contains, the better the water conducts and the EC meter measures this.

Besides salt, temperature also affects the EC value. When the temperature is high, the EC value increases and when the temperature is low, the EC value decreases.

Measuring EC is best done by a digital handheld meter such as the EP1400 which can measure not only EC but also temperature and pH values.

Why is measuring EC in water important?

EC measuring equipment is widely used by professional growers to measure spray, pour and rain water used to water the plants. It is important to work with the right values in the water, because a 0.01 below or above the margins can already make a big difference in the plant or flower.

EC value for water

Each type of water or liquid has a different type of conductivity (EC) and this is expressed in μS/cm: 

  • Pure water: 0 μS/cm
  • Distilled water : 1 μS/cm
  • Osmosis water : 20 – 60 μS/cm
  • Rainwater industry : 30 – 60 μS/cm
  • Drinking water: 300 to 700 μS/cm
  • Seawater: 54 mS/cm = 54000 μS/cm

In most cases, growers in the Netherlands have EC sensors in the pipes or in the water basin. Still, it is important to keep measuring yourself if the values are correct everywhere, because measuring = knowing!

What is the best EC meter for measuring in water?

A professional grower must be able to measure very accurately and reliably. The EC meter must be able to measure conductivity, of course, but also temperature. In most cases, it is also useful to immediately measure the pH value of the water.

At Nieuwkoop, we offer one of the most accurate portable EC meters to out there that is also easy to use.