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What is EC?

What is EC?

The EC value, in short, is the conductivity of a solution. EC is an English abbreviation and stands for Electrical Conductivity. 

The EC value increases as more ions (charged particles) are included in a solution. These ions include various types of salts and can be residues of, for example, fertilisers (Potassium, Nitrate etc.) or other excess elements such as table salt or Bicarbonate.

So, in short, the EC value tells the total concentration of dissolved ions (salts) in a solution. 

EC values are measured in Millisiemens per centimetre or mS/cm for short, but the designation Microsiemens per centimetre or µS/cm is also used. The difference is in the ratio as 1 mS/cm is equivalent to 1000 µS/cm, but both are common terms.

What is the ideal EC value for you depends on your personal application. We will be happy to help you measure and monitor the desired EC value accurately and reliably with one of our measuring instruments. View our product range EC meters here.