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What is pH?

What is pH?

The pH value is a chemical name for the acidity of a solution. Without going into too much detail, it suffices to establish that the pH value is a measure of the amount of acidic particles present in a solution. The pH value can vary between 0 and 14 pH.

However, the scale for acidity works differently from a normal scale starting from, say, 0 or 1 going up. In the case of pH, pH-7 is neutral. When the value runs towards pH-0, it means the solution becomes more acidic. Conversely, when it moves towards pH-14, the solution becomes less acidic, the solution becomes more “alkaline.”

A step on the pH scale of 1 pH means a 10-fold difference in concentration of the number of acid particles in the solution. Simply put, therefore, in a solution whose value is, say, pH-5, there are 10 times as many acid particles as in pH-6. Conversely, in pH-7 there are 10 times fewer acid particles than in pH-6 and 100 times fewer than in pH-5.

What is the ideal pH value for you depends on your personal application. We are happy to help you measure and monitor the desired pH value accurately and reliably with one of our measuring instruments. View our range of pH meters here.